Working Groups
NHSF has three working groups that are aligned to the three strands of the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK.
The groups meet regularly throughout the year and each group leads one of NHSF's three Member Meetings each year which bring together people from across the membership.
Communities working group
Strategic strand: A skilled and diverse heritage science community
Lora Angelova - The National Archives
Nigel Blades - The National Trust
Lisa Brown (co-convenor) - Historic Environment Scotland
Natalie Brown (co-convenor) - The National Archives
Ayesha Fuentes - University of Cambridge Museums
Giles Gaspar - Durham University
Tea Ghigo - University of Oxford
Isoble Griffin - National Galleries Scotland
David Howell - West Dean College
Constantina Vlachou - Historic Royal Palaces
Patrick Whife - Icon
Research working group
Strategic strand: Excellent research
Lora Angelova - The National Archives
Nigel Blades - The National Trust
May Cassar - UCL
David Dorning - West Dean College
Giles Gaspar - Durham University
Josep Grau-Bove (co-convenor) - UCL
Jen Heathcote - Historic England
Carl Heron - British Museum
Kath Knowles - Wellcome Collection
Bronwyn Ormsby - Tate
Matija Strlic - UCL
David Thickett - English Heritage
Lore Troalen - National Museums Scotland
Aurelie Turmel (co-convenor) - Historic Environment Scotland
Heather Viles - University of Oxford
Constantina Vlachou (co-convenor) - Historic Royal Palaces
Impact working group
Strategic strand: Demonstrable social and economic impact
May Cassar - UCL
Giles Gaspar - Durham University
Jen Heathcote - Historic England
David Howell - West Dean College
Bronwyn Ormsby (co-convenor) - Tate
Jack Ridge (co-convenor) - National Galleries Scotland
Chante St Clair Inglis - National Museums Scotland
Joanne Vine - University of Cambridge Museums
Lyn Wilson - Historic Environment Scotlan