April Members’ Meeting
Our April Members' Meeting, on 26th April 13.00-15.00 via Zoom, is a workshop on developing an impact toolkit for heritage science.
Each year NHSF holds three Member Meetings, one on each strand of the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK.
This meeting is on the Demonstrable Social and Economic Impact strand of the Framework. It is led by the Impact working group and provides the opportunity for people from across NHSF’s wider membership to hear about the work on this strategic strand, and contribute to it.
This virtual meeting is open to anyone who is an employee of or student at an NHSF member organisation, or a member of Icon.
The objectives of the meeting are:
1. To hear about the work that has been carried out by the Impact working group over the past year
2. To discuss a briefing paper and series of recommendations for the development of an impact toolkit that draws on existing methodologies; in particular methods to determine impact indicators for heritage science to support the creation of an evidence hub.
3. Agree how best to take forward the development of a framework for collecting evidence of the impact of heritage science activities as part of a wider toolkit. This is potentially a large piece of work that would benefit from external resource, and linking to other current impact initiatives. We would like members to discuss what they think the Forum can do, which parts will benefit from external input, which partners to work with, and budget or fundraising needs.
Welcome and introduction
Presentation on work of the Impact Working Group
Initial recommendations for an impact framework for heritage science (to be circulated to attendees in advance of the meeting)
Points for discussion
- thoughts on recommendations
- what can the Forum do itself and where does it need help?
- where might help come from and what are budget or fundraising needs?
- who are our potential partners or groups to involve in the development process?
Next steps and wrap up
Members who would like to take part should email Caroline Peach administrator@heritagescienceforum.org.uk