NHSF Newsletter – May 2024

In the May newsletter, we share how the NHSF has been contributing to the RICHeS project and our new priorities for 2024-25. You can also see the latest member news and updates from the heritage science sector.

Read the May newsletter here.


  • May NHSF News

Member News

Cardiff University

  • Job Opportunity: Research Associate, Synthetic Pasts

English Heritage & Icon

  • Event: Climate Resilience at English Heritage

Historic England

  • PhD Studentship

Historic England & UCL

  • Climate Change Hazards for Heritage Vocabulary

Historic Environment Scotland

  • Skills Investment Plan 2024


  • Marsh Conservation Awards
  • Excel Training for Effective Data Management
  • Introduction to Heritage Science

University of Cambridge Museums

  • Job Opportunity: Research Associate, Scientific Research
  • MINIARE: The Art & Science of Manuscript Heritage

University of Oxford

  • Event Summary: 'Sites at the Intersection of Natural and Cultural Heritage'

Sector Round-Up

General News

  • AHRC Forward Look: Spring into Summer 2024


  • Anna Plowden Trust Grants
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund
  • AHRC Curiosity & Catalyst Awards
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage - Info Day

Calls for Papers

  • The 16th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference
  • Colour Culture and Science Journal - Colour Dynamics in Cultural Heritage: Scientific Perspectives and Insights
  • Computational Humanities Research Conference

Events & Activities

  • Introduction to an AI-Aided Heritage Materials Research Platform
  • Future Proofing Heritage: Sustainability and Resilience
  • 11th Workshop and Meeting of the Users' Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography
  • Workshop: Practical Introduction to Mechanical Analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials

Jobs & Opportunities

  • Research Assistant: DSC-Volatiles
  • PhD: Digital Heritage
  • Schorr Family Associate Research Scientist
  • 2x Postdoctoral Research Fellowships: Conservation Science

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