Our 2024-25 Priorities

The NHSF has announced its 2024-25 priorities.

In May 2024, the Board of Trustees agreed that the NHSF's priorities for 2024-25 would be:

  1. A successor to the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK, 2018-2023 is launched.
  2. The importance, potential, context and wider relevance of heritage science is effectively articulated.
  3. A vibrant and sustainable NHSF is able to champion heritage science and support its members.

In the shorter-term, members will have the opportunity to contribute to the internal consultation on the draft of the Strategic Framework for Heritage Science in the UK, 2024-2027 and shape the associated external consultation activities. We will share our 2024 member survey to ask members about high-priority issues, where joint working will bring most benefit, what they most value about the Forum and how the Forum can best support them.

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