Seminar series to showcase emerging heritage science researchers and students

The Icon Heritage Science Group and the National Heritage Science Forum are announcing a series of informal, virtual short seminars to showcase the research of emerging heritage science researchers and students. The programme will begin in March 2022 with lunchtime talks of 60-90 minutes. 

The scope of this series embraces all aspects of heritage science and aims to connect researchers and provide a safe space to discuss ideas and progress. The authors are invited to contribute short talks of 10-15 minutes; submissions relating to projects at any stage of completion will be welcome. Each seminar session will also include an informal talk from a specialist in later stages of their career, discussing the pathway to their current position as well as describing their workplace and day-to-day tasks. The seminar talks will be followed up with an open space for questions and discussions.

Prospective speakers are invited to submit a 100-150 word abstract by 28th February 2022.

Please send your abstracts alongside your name and occupation to

Any early career heritage science specialists and students wishing to share their work experience with the seminar attendees are encouraged to send an abstract in.

In the meantime, we invite you to join and make the best of our heritage science student and early career research Slack network, available here.